Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Celebration of Diversity

Last night, I finally finished my first drawing for the year. I sat down for almost two hours straight just inking in the circles at the bottom which were the last part to go. These are just a couple of snaps from my phone camera so not the best images but a record of sorts.
A Celebration of Diversity is something that has been sitting in my sketch book for a long time. It celebrates the fact that we are all different and yet live and grow side by side and learn from each other. Sometimes we try to make people more like ourselves when in fact we should just appreciate and celebrate our differences. I think this one came to mind recently when I was shocked by some very narrow views of a person who was unable to continue a relationship because the other person was from a different culture. How sad, I thought. How much that person has missed out on.

I can only speak from my experience as an 'Australian' married to a Japanese. I have been asked a number of times if I think international marriages are difficult. My answer to that question is that all marriages or partnerships can be difficult at times but more importantly they can be wonderful. I think how much richer my life is that I can share it with another being regardless of nationality; a person who is kind, warm, generous and loving. And how fantastic that I have been able to experience the beautiful culture that he is from and how that has influenced my life.

There are no doubt many differences between us all.
Let's celebrate that....


Mieko said...

That is just beautiful!

I'm so happy to hear that your experience of married to a Japanese man is a beautiful one! Our marriage between a Japanese girl and an American man, just like any marriage, can be challenging at times. But, like you, I feel blessed that my husband and I can share our unique culture, tradition and experience and learn from each other.

Happy Valentine's Day! (I don't know if you celebrate the V-day in Australia like we do here in the US. But I'm sure you remember how big of a deal it was in Japan!)

Jenny said...

Oh Claire, this is just sublime!And the sentiment of it reflecting all our differences makes it all the more beautiful...I love it. :)

Claire Ishino said...

Thank you Mieko - yes how blessed we are! And happy Valentine's day to you too! Yes, we do celebrate it here but maybe a bit differently to in Japan. Oh how I miss the Loft and all its cute cards and packaging for handmade chocolates....

And thank you again Jenny for your positive feedback - I really appreciate it at a time when I am making very tentative steps into the 2D world. I have had a peek over at your blog of your work and I so love all the colours you use. I can't wait to do something in colour!
