Monday, January 26, 2009

Origami Crane

A while back I saw a segment on tv about this taxi driver somewhere in Japan who gives away a four leaf clover to each of his customers. On his days off he goes in search of the special clover then presses and laminates them and happily gives them away to share the good luck with all who are lucky enough to ride in his taxi. It is such a lovely, simple gesture i think and i imagine it must make his customers smile and for some people turn a bad day into a good one.

It got me thinking - what could I do for my customers? Just something small that I could add to their parcels to bring them happiness. And so i have been making origami cranes to send with each piece of jewellery that i sell. I have had a fascination with origami since i was child and long long before i ever came to Japan and the crane is such a strong symbol in japan. For my wedding i actually carried two origami cranes insted of the traditional floral bouquet.

That taxi driver's story certainly inspired me and i hope my little origami cranes can bring happiness and good fortune in the same way as his clover does.

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